Saturday, October 20, 2007

a long time gone

Well it's been a while, I will do what I can to get everyone caught up over the next little while.
Our family has been going thru some huge challenges. We have also had time to think and grow, and time to celebrate the new baby coming. We are due, in the spring, with number 7. Those of you who knew us as a family with 8 children will start to realise that might have something to do with our challenges lately. I will have to go into that later. I want to stay on a positive topic tonight. For my family, so you know, if it's a girl, it will be Chloe, if it's a boy it will be Lliam. So, all my cousins can beware of those names! (Just kidding!)
If you wonder what we have been doing, we are almost done with the new bathroom. We took place in our first living history encampment. We bought a new horse, he is a percheron, named Leo and he is 4months old. A black and white roan. We have been making applesauce, baking new recipies, and searching for the perfect new sewing machine. After using my mothers since I was 7, it died, or is on vacation, don't know yet. I have about 35 sewing projects backed up. I have to find a new one or fix the old one soon!

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