Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wish Tree

These are the wishes from the wish tree, that hung in the snow and the rain. They sprung up one night when the leaves were all gone, by a sidewalk where ribbons were placed by random. The wishes are beautiful, sad and poetic, ridiculous, funny and irresponsible.
They are life in our town

I wish I could have a baby without having problems, I'd be a good mom. Candor had more pot, (I think it says that, very bad spelling on that one.) (not kidding)
I wish my baby sister can be healthy

Wish I could fly
I wish that everyone is healthy, happy, safe and loved
To be a hunter
I wish my older brother was alive again
I wish I had a 4 wheeler

To Not be prego---kenny sucks.
Go to Heaven and C family
Peace in family
I wish is??? (not sure on this one, maybe there is Too Much pot in Candor)
I wish for my sister to love me.

I wish to be happy and have HIM
To have my doggy back, RIP, Thor
I wish to have a phone
To make world peace all around the world.
I wish I had a mini 4wheeler

To be a mom when I grow up
I wish my life was better
To see Jen get diploma in '09
To be loved and to learn what love is.

To be a beautiful dancer
That there were no potty words
and, last but not least, an invisible wish from someone who wants to be an Egyptologist when they grow up--I think they are well on their way since invisible wishes are very incriptic. (Is that a word?)

We are now the temporary caretakers of these Candor wishes, we will let you know the next step, but for now they are in a jar, sealed until Springtime. I will post a photo soon, it is downloading right now.

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